Wednesday 7 May 2008

End of module questionnaire.

1. Age?
2. Sex?

3. What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Tourism Management

4. Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?

5. If so, how? And if not, why not?
I’m doing a degree in tourism and this module has nothing to do with that.

6. Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I’ve found this module to some degree demanding as I’ve found it hard to keep up with the blogs.

7. Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes, I found lectures very interesting and informative.

8. Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
No, I feel that the topics were okay.

9. Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Yes, I think the format for the classes were logical and I enjoyed listening to other peoples view about the module topics.

10. What did you think of the module team?
The module team were very helpful and interesting people. They offered help when needed.

11. Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

12. The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes, I think this was a useful way which related to me more as a person in the way that I learn. Getting different perspectives have been very useful indeed.

13. Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes they are.
14. Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes I feel that I have and I hope it shines through my module grade.

15. Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes, would be nice.

16. Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
I might, I will look into the module on wolf and decide later.

17. Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes, it’s been a very interesting module to study and I will be making sure my friends know who are joining the university in September about this module.

18. Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
No, they take up too much time and I found it hard to post a blog each week.

19. What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?

I think it would be better to have one big essay at the end of the module rather than having two. To be honest it would take around the same time to write a bigger essay than two short ones.

20. What have you learned from the module?
I’ve learnt the reasons for why people behave badly and what drives people to doing thing that they perhaps shouldn’t. This module has touched on all topics critically which I think is good because we are all human and we do make mistakes.

21. What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
This module has answered some personal questions of mine and has helped me understand why we behave the way we do as human beings. To be honest I’ve found none of the topics useful in the real world but have answered some questions that I’ve had for awhile. I registered for this module out of pure curiosity.

22. What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
Being too religious I think was a waste of time as I fail to see that as being bad. We cannot suggest that being religious is behaving badly because it is someone belief. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this lecture but don’t see its relevance to the module.

23. Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
I would just like to thank the team that helped me through my learning on this module and hope that this module will keep running so others can benefit like I did.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Comment about another students blog

I’ve just seen Brooksy’s blog on the smoking ban and am quite surprised by it! The writer of that blog suggests that society today is full of health freaks and that the smoking was the worst thing to happen to the country since Hitler! I have to say i strongly object to this view on the smoking bad. I don’t see just because your mates have to get up and go outside for a cigarette justifies your objection. The smoking ban is saving the non-smokers lives however, i respect another person’s opinion and hope that Brooksy can see my point of view which seems to be coming from a different part of the spectrum.

By the way….commenting on your poll I’d have Natalie Portman any day :P!

The original blog can be found here:

Saturday 3 May 2008

comment on another students blog!

Oh my god! I seen this blog on genetic sexual attraction…I could never be attracted to my sibling and the thought of it makes me sick! I’m sure this is against the law and it is also against the law to marry relatives!

For more info in the interesting story on genetic sexual attraction visit both Toni’s blog ( and a channel 4’s article…must have a ready because it’s interesting!

Friday 2 May 2008

Drugs and my personal view on them!

When talking about drugs I think about junkies doing everything they can to get their hands on some stuff. There are legal and illegal drugs but I’ve only took the drugs from the doctors. I’ve never tried drugs because once you start you just can’t stop. Drugs wreck people’s lives and destroy families! These days there are a lot of singers on drugs like Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty. When I see these jokers in the newspapers I feel they are setting a bad example to our teenage society as they hear about their idols trying drugs so they do it too. Sometimes when I’m on the bus I can smell someone smoking drugs but the driver does nothing….one could say drugs are being accepted in society because more people are taking drugs than ever before. It's always on the box in soaps such as Hollyoaks and Eastenders, sometimes i think if teenagers see these kinds of actions on the box they'll want to copy them. Drugs seems to be apart of our daily life because i cannot live a day without hearing about them or hearing the effects they have had on people in society.
Above is a website holding information on all drugs.
Above is a website showing the drugs strategy for the UK.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Comment on another students blog

I agree with Gandalf about the fact that religion shouldn't be forced on people it should be left to the individual about whether or not you want to be part of it. I also agree that we can't blame one religion for the way people behave. For example Terror attacks.

Being too religious

At what point can one determine if someone is being too religious? What one believes in shapes them as a person along with other factors. Some people take their religion very seriously and would even die for their religion, could one suggest that’s being too religious?

Myself, I believe there is a God but am not too religious…if God is everywhere you can pray in all respectable places because after all God made everything. I respect other people’s beliefs and have an open-mind when it comes to religion, one may say that is wrong but its not to me.

Many people have died in the world because of religion, I think that it’s a big motivator and at times one can suggest that people use it as a tool as they please.

Why Religion Matters: The Impact of Religious Practice on Social Stability can be seen here:

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Comment on another students blog:

I agree with Big John ( our bodies are our own and we are able to do what we want with them as long as you can deal with the consequences.

Body Modification

I’ve always wondered what makes people get a tattoo or a piercing. I’ve never myself thought of getting a tattoo as its such a permanent thing….I’m always changing my mind to be honest and after it’s done I’d want rid of it. As for getting a piercing it’s just not me. In reflection of the lecture I totally understood people’s views and that it’s a way of self expression. One can do what they like to their body as it’s theirs to do as they please.

Below i found an artical about why tattoos have become more acceptable. Take a look!

Sunday 27 April 2008

Comment on Adultery from another students blog!

Comment on on adultery:
I agree with the fact that committing adultery when children are involved is a bad idea as it will affect them. They are innocent but seem to get hurt more often than not and to be honest I’ve been through that myself. My Dad committed adultery and my Mom has never forgiven him neither have I or my sisters.

The flame has gone...what next?

My view on adultery is that if you are unhappy with the partner you are currently with then why not finish it? I simply don’t see any reason of keeping a relationship going just for the sake of what other may think. I understand that everyone has needs and it’s only human to look elsewhere.

When you first start a relationship its all new and exciting, one could refer to it as a flame. At the start of the relationship this flame is as strong as can be however, should one get bored after a few months they go astray thus the flame goes out.

Although, I also understand that people make mistakes in the heat of the moment. Again, it’s only human to make mistakes….a little mistake like a kiss or a one night stand….I would agree with keeping it in the bag but a full blown relationship I’d tell her. There isn’t anything wrong with a bit of fun but the fact is that people get hurt!
I found that link above and it's about why men cheat.....have a read if your interested :-). One can't just blame cheating on men although women seem to think so?

Sunday 13 April 2008

Bad comedians ay….some people say I’m one however I’m not canny! I guess as individuals we see things differently and will find a range of things funny that other people do not. To be honest, I have never heard of Bernard Manning, Chubby Brown, Lenny Bruce or Bill Hicks so I cannot say much about their jokes or humour.

I quite enjoy watching Catherine Tate & her nana because they’re hilarious! I really enjoy the Catherine Tate show and often watch my favourites on YouTube.

What a F***ing LIBERTY!
Take a F***ing chill pill!
Found a window in your diary?

Am I bothered?
Are you talking to me?
Are you disrespecting me?

Here are some links i found on YouTube:

Catherine Tate fans.....why not let me know so i don't think i'm alone. :-)

Thursday 10 April 2008


You know the health risks, you know it makes you smell and you know it is not cool or fashionable so why do it? I know it is addictive and I know it is hard to quit but with some faith and determination it can be done!

When it comes to smoking I have no sympathy because I just hate it...i know it is your personal choice which is why i can't understand why you are killing youself. I wish someone could help me to understand why?

For advice on how to stop smoking go here:

As for the smoking was the best thing that ever happen.

Be strong, be brave and make the f****** move!

Friday 7 March 2008

Kids (1995)

This week’s lecture was a very interesting one! It’s the first time I’ve stepped foot in the lighthouse and watched a film.

This movie was the most unusual one I’ve ever watched as it was simply full of sex, drugs and bad behaviour amongst teenagers in America. I’m not going to say I found the actions of the teenagers in the movie shocking as I didn't, what I found shocking was that this kind of content made it to the movies!

I guess being a teenager myself I can reflect on the desire to try new things but I’ve never turned to drugs or hunted for countless virgins. From watching this movie I feel that the teenagers were acting out individuals who were from poor backgrounds where drugs use and bad behaviour occur more often.

If I were a parent I’d see this as a wakeup call and would make sure I had a good relationship with my child so that they could talk to me about anything including sex issues. I would question myself and wonder where my children are when they go out and what do they really get up to.

I'd advise Telly to go and get some Condoms and leave those teenage girls alone! Safe sex is better sex!

Trailer for Kids (1995)

Thursday 6 March 2008


Well that’s something to tell the wife….a lecture on masturbation!
Masturbation is something that one enjoys alone so think it should be kept to yourself. As we have seen from the lecture, people have been masturbating for years and you must know how the saying goes? If you want something done properly…do it yourself!

I find it uncomfortable to talk about sex/masturbation as it’s not something I see as making good conversation. Sex should be kept between those two who are having it and enjoying each others body....the same goes for masturbation its something you can enjoy alone.

I found this lecture interesting, just looking around you can clearly see those who were uncomfortable and those who were happy to put their views across about this subject. In the world right now there are properly more people masturbating than there are having sex! I guess it is safer! :P

Tuesday 26 February 2008

lecture on shoplifting/ personal view and reflection.

My personal opinion on this topic is that shoplifting is the same as theft as one wants something for nothing, pulling out all the stops to achieve their goal! No matter where this takes places in my eyes it’s the something however, I do acknowledge that a person who is shoplifting to eat may have different principles…to stay alive!

I work in Birmingham city centre in a food outlet, I see people trying to get away with sandwiches everyday weekend. As a sales assistant its part of my job to report them to security, I have to admit sometime I turn a blind eye because I often see them begging outside Sainsbury. Life must be hard being homeless and if I was to think from their point of view I guess they’d be thinking they’re doing no harm, well they are….but it’s not their fault.

Those who shoplift for the rush that it may give them or for other reasons for example, unable to afford something, should be made to pay the damages that they’ve caused.

I found a website about shoplifters should never go to jail.....for more information visit

Thursday 21 February 2008

My first weblog...exciting!!

It would be interesting to go on a ghost hunt to see how bad they are! We could go on a ghost hunt in york. This is something that i am interested in and would be nice an interesting trip. I bet we don't get to go anywhere!
For more information go here