Friday 7 March 2008

Kids (1995)

This week’s lecture was a very interesting one! It’s the first time I’ve stepped foot in the lighthouse and watched a film.

This movie was the most unusual one I’ve ever watched as it was simply full of sex, drugs and bad behaviour amongst teenagers in America. I’m not going to say I found the actions of the teenagers in the movie shocking as I didn't, what I found shocking was that this kind of content made it to the movies!

I guess being a teenager myself I can reflect on the desire to try new things but I’ve never turned to drugs or hunted for countless virgins. From watching this movie I feel that the teenagers were acting out individuals who were from poor backgrounds where drugs use and bad behaviour occur more often.

If I were a parent I’d see this as a wakeup call and would make sure I had a good relationship with my child so that they could talk to me about anything including sex issues. I would question myself and wonder where my children are when they go out and what do they really get up to.

I'd advise Telly to go and get some Condoms and leave those teenage girls alone! Safe sex is better sex!

Trailer for Kids (1995)


At 17 March 2008 at 22:09 , Blogger Toni said...

I agree with you this movie should be seen as a wake up call! Safe sex is always the right choice!


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