Tuesday 26 February 2008

lecture on shoplifting/theft...my personal view and reflection.

My personal opinion on this topic is that shoplifting is the same as theft as one wants something for nothing, pulling out all the stops to achieve their goal! No matter where this takes places in my eyes it’s the something however, I do acknowledge that a person who is shoplifting to eat may have different principles…to stay alive!

I work in Birmingham city centre in a food outlet, I see people trying to get away with sandwiches everyday weekend. As a sales assistant its part of my job to report them to security, I have to admit sometime I turn a blind eye because I often see them begging outside Sainsbury. Life must be hard being homeless and if I was to think from their point of view I guess they’d be thinking they’re doing no harm, well they are….but it’s not their fault.

Those who shoplift for the rush that it may give them or for other reasons for example, unable to afford something, should be made to pay the damages that they’ve caused.

I found a website about shoplifters should never go to jail.....for more information visit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=402128&in_page_id=1770


At 18 March 2008 at 21:34 , Blogger Rachel Simmonds said...

My response to Christopher-


Yep,I totally agree.Working in retail I know what it's like.You turn your back for 10 seconds and half a shelf of Impulse has gone.But who hasn't bought things which you know are slightly dodgy?Is buying copies of c.ds/dvds any worse?It's all costing someone money.

At 24 April 2008 at 17:51 , Blogger Babii Nikki said...

well i personally dont agree with either theft or shoplifting. i think that they are the same thing, it basically taking whats not yours... and that is wrong


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