Thursday 1 May 2008

Being too religious

At what point can one determine if someone is being too religious? What one believes in shapes them as a person along with other factors. Some people take their religion very seriously and would even die for their religion, could one suggest that’s being too religious?

Myself, I believe there is a God but am not too religious…if God is everywhere you can pray in all respectable places because after all God made everything. I respect other people’s beliefs and have an open-mind when it comes to religion, one may say that is wrong but its not to me.

Many people have died in the world because of religion, I think that it’s a big motivator and at times one can suggest that people use it as a tool as they please.

Why Religion Matters: The Impact of Religious Practice on Social Stability can be seen here:


At 2 May 2008 at 22:45 , Blogger Hari said...

I agree with your blog because I too think that is a God. Im not too religious but there are certain parts of my religion that i follow. Im not saying all things religion teaches is true but i think our parents shape the way we act towrds religion. If your parents are religious then they will teach you about your religion and want you to do what they do. For others if your parents arent so religious then there is no one in enforce these teachings on you. And as to determine can some be too religious i think that evryone has their own idea of what is too religious and what is normal.


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